Fascinating of butterfly

Butterflies have magnificent colors and fly cheerfully from flower to flower in the air. Since their behavior do not bite or sting, butterfly is a insect model of innocence.

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Butterflies of Luxembourg

On 27 September 2005, Luxembourg Post issued the stamp set features butterflies species which composed of three postage stamps. The issued stamps depicted species Swallowtail, Silver-washed fritillary, and Chalk-hill blue with different nominal face value.

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
The Swallowtail is among the most spectacular and largest of butterflies found in Luxembourg.The Swallowtail or Papilio machaon is species  of Papilionidae family.  The wings of the female can reach more than 9 cm in size. It is in the tropics that one most frequently sees the Papilioninae sub-family.
Mostly in springtime, the butterflies search for higher ground to carry out their famous “hill topping”, a type of nuptial flight that allows them to find a partner.
The flamed variety is an even rarer species that populates northern Europe. Two and sometimes three flights from April to September.
Hosts of Swallowtail’s caterpillar are various types of umbellifers. Pepper saxifrage, wild and garden carrots. The adult caterpillar of the swallowtail is easily recognizable by  its yellowish green dominant color  with transverse black bands highlighted with points of orange.
imageSilver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia)
The Silver-washed fritillary or Argynnis paphia is a relatively common butterfly in Luxembourg and as species of sub-family Nymphalinae. It is encountered in summer on sunny forest paths where it enjoys gypsywort.
The males are a luminous orange colour while the females are darker with greenish coloration. The females eventually become entirely green.
The Silver-washed fritillary flight in once   from June to August. The host of caterpillar are  varieties of violets and meadowsweet.
imageChalk-Hill Blue (Lysandra coridon)

The chalk-hill blue  or Lysandra coridon is  among the varieties of butterflies  most frequently encountered and as a species of Lycaenidae family . They are found in almost every country area, primarily on the dry limestone pastures. The period of flight is once from July to August.
The males are known by their light whitish blue colouration while the females are brown with orange points on the lower edge of their back wings. In Luxembourg, it is the most recognizable argus butterfly and the host of caterpillar is Hippocreppis, a genus of ornamental plants in the family Fabaceae.

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