Fascinating of butterfly

Butterflies have magnificent colors and fly cheerfully from flower to flower in the air. Since their behavior do not bite or sting, butterfly is a insect model of innocence.

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Azerbaijan Butterflies of 2010


Azerbaijan Post has issued the definitive stamp series of butterflies on January 11,  2010.The issuance stamps consist of 2 stamps depicted Thaleropis jonia fisch, and Danais chrysippus.

Thaleropis jonia is An endangered species of butterflies and distributed in southern slopes of  Zangazour and Daralayaz chain of mountains.
Their habitat in Slopes with xerophilous bushy vegetation or sparse forests, rarely found.The reasons that cause change of the number is  Hunting by amateur collectors
Butterflies fly out in May and June. During daytimes they settle on paths, near springs and ponds; they like settling on lower branches of trees and mostly on the branches of esa and willow. Late June they lay eggs just on these branches. Caterpillar are fed with the leaves of willow in June and early August and then pupate in various shelters and pupas winter there. They breed once a year. Those parasitizing on pupas are small hymenopterans related to Chalcidae family.

Danais chrysippus, known as the Plain Tiger or African Monarch, is a common butterfly which is widespread in Asia and Africa. It belongs to the Danainae ("Milkweed butterflies") subfamily of the brush-footed butterfly family, Nymphalidae.
The Plain Tiger is a medium-sized butterfly with a wingspan of about 7–8 cm. The body is black with many white spots. The wings are tawny the upper side being brighter and richer than the underside. The apical half of the fore wing is black with a white band. The hind wing has 3 black spots around the centre. The hind wing has a thin border of black enclosing a series of semi-circular white spots.The male Plain Tiger is smaller than the female, but more brightly coloured.
It is found in every kind of country including the desert (pending availability of food) and right up into the mountains till 9000 feet. Primarily this species is a butterfly of open country and gardens.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

The life cycle of Papilio Schmeltzii

Fiji Post issued the stamp series feature the life cycle of Papilio Schmeltzii, is Fiji’s largest butterfly and is one of some 44 species of butterflies which inhabit in Fiji. The stamp comprised of 4 stamps and issued on November 10, 2004.
Schmeltzi’s swallowtail is one of two species found on the eastern edge of the Pacific Islands : Papilio godeffroyii in Western Samoa and Papilio schmeltzii in Fiji.

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The Caterpillar or larva is often referred to as the feeding stage. They will melt several time as they grow. These growth steps are called instars. This caterpillar mimics a bird dropping to avoid being eaten by other animals.

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The pupa stage is when the most dramatic changes happen and metamorphosis is taking place. It is the most vulnerable stage so mimicry is highly developed. Chrysalis will look like an emerging bud or fruit or like lichen or dead leaf. Papilio schmeltzii supports itself by a silk threat that is spun by the larva before it pupates. It will remain in this form for weeks.

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The newly emerged adult adult butterfly from  its chrysalis is called metamorphosis. When this happens tremendous changes have to take place. It take about 20 minutes for wings to unfold and the veins to fill with blood. It must then wait longer for its wings to harden properly before attempts to fly. This can take up to an hour.

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The adult butterfly mates and perpetuated the species. It may live for up to a year in tropical areas so it needs to feed.They are feeding on nectar from a flower. This done through a specialized coiled feeding tube or proboscis. Two large component eyes have number of lenses, which are sensitive to movement, colour patterns of flower and other butterflies.
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