Fascinating of butterfly

Butterflies have magnificent colors and fly cheerfully from flower to flower in the air. Since their behavior do not bite or sting, butterfly is a insect model of innocence.

Jumat, 10 September 2010

Butterfly of Honduras Pt.2

These stamps are series of butterflies stamps have been issued together with a souvenir sheet on 1991 by Honduras Post. It has depicted species of butterflies, Chlosyne Janais, Agraulis Vanillae, and Morpho Granadines.

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Papilio polixenes on Honduras souvenir sheet

Honduras featured Papilio polixenes or well known as the Black Swallowtail on the imperforated souvenir sheet 1991.The upper surface of the wings is mostly black. On the inner edge of hindwing is a black spot centered in larger orange spot. A male of this species has a yellow band near edge of wings; a female has row of yellow spots. The hindwing of the female has an iridescent blue band.

Butterflies of the World - Tanzania 1993 part 2

The other sheet of Tanzania stamps 1993 has depicted 9 species of butterfly, consist of Limenitis syssi, Agrraulis vanillae, Danaus chrysippus, Eurytides marcellus, Artopoetes pryeri, Heliconius charitonius, Limenitis weidemeyerii, Phoebeis sennae, Timelaea albescens ( from left to right and from top to bottom direction).

Butterflies of the World - Tanzania 1993 part I

Tanzania has issued the sheet of stamps depicted 9 species of butterflies in 1993. The species were depicted are (from left to right and top to bottom direction) Papilio glaucus, Danaus plexippus, Papilio troilus, Hypolimnas antevorta, Cirrochroa imperatrix, Vanessa atalanta, Limenitis archippus, Hypolimnas pandarus, and Anthocharis belia. All stamps have same value 120 s.

Butterflies of Jersey 1991

In 1991, Jersey post issued 4 stamps that depicted species Melitaea cinxia on 15 p, Euplagia quadripunctaria on 20 p, Deilephilia porcellus on 37p and Inachis io on 57p.

Butterflies of Jamaica 1977

Jamaica Post featured butterflies species of family Nymphalidae and Pieridae on the miniature sheet of stamps in 1977. These butterlies are found in Jamaica, like : Eurema elathea of Pieridae family and Dynamine egaea, Atlantea pantoni, Hypolimnas misippus of Nymphalidae family.

Butterflies of the World - St. Vincent and The Grenadines 1998

St. Vincent and the Grenadines depicted the nine species of butterflies on the miniature stamp sheet in 1998. The species were depicted are Heliconius erato, Danaus plexippus, Papilio phoracas, Morpho peleides, Pandoriana pandora, Basilarchia astyanax, Vanessa carduii, Colobura dice, and Heraclides cresphontes ( picture direction: from top-left move ward to botom-right) .
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